Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery is a procedure designed to firm and lift breasts and to restore a fuller and youthful appearance. It is usually performed on women who have gone through pregnancy and breast feeding, which can affect the shape and appearance of breasts.
Good Candidates for Breast Lift Surgery
Good candidates for breast lift surgery are:
· Women with stretched skin and less volume in breasts
· Women with small or sagging breasts who want to obtain firm and perky youthful breasts
· Enlarged areolas
· Breasts that are elongated or low
· Nipples that point down
· Asymmetrical breasts
Preparing for your Breast Lift
· One month before Breast Lift: Stop taking medicines such as Aspirin and Vitamin E. Stop smoking completely.
· One week before Breast Lift: You will be asked to undergo some blood tests and cardiac evaluation. During your consultation at ADEM&HAVVA, the doctor will provide you with all the necessary preoperative instructions.
· One day before Breast Lift: It is imperative not to ingest any food or drink after the time advised by the doctor. Make sure you pack a bag containing comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothes.
· Same day of Breast Lift: Do not apply any gel or cosmetic hair products. We will arrange for a driver to pick you up at the hotel in the morning and take you back to your hotel after the surgery. It is highly recommended that you have someone accompanying you the day of the breast lift procedure and to spend time with you during the first 48 hours after surgery.
Breast Lift Procedure
Breast Lift surgery in Turkey involves removing skin from underneath the breast or from around the areola. The skin and tissue of the breast is then tightened and the nipple is repositioned to a higher area to give a perkier, youthful and firm appearance.
ADEM&HAVVA plastic surgeons can perform breast implants or breast reduction in conjunction with breast lift.
After the Procedure
· One day after Breast Lift: You will experience some pain, bruising, swelling immediately after breast lift surgery. During the next few weeks, these symptoms will improve. You may need to stay in our facility for 1 or 2 days.
· One week after Breast Lift: Refrain from driving for at least one week. To ensure you get the best results, follow the aftercare instructions provided by plastic surgeon.
· One month after Breast Lift: Avoid engaging in strenuous activities or any physical exercise for four weeks. You will be asked to wear a tight-fitting sports bra 24 hours-a-day for a month after breast implants. Make sure not to lift heavy objects and sleep facedown.
· Six months after Breast Implants: Results of breast lift are long lasting and will the final results will be noticed after 6 months. Breast lift surgery will result in significant boost in self-confidence.
General Risks of Breast Lift
· Bleeding
· Infection
· Unevenly positioned nipples
· Permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I get back to my normal routine after Breast Lift?
By the end of the fourth week following breast lift, most restrictions will be lifted and you can go back to your normal routine as you feel comfortable.
Can I breastfeed after having Breast Lift Surgery?
Most women are able to breastfeed their children after undergoing breast lift surgery. While there are no serious risks that affect future pregnancies and breast feeding, pregnancy is likely to stretch breasts again and offset the results of breast lift surgery.